Valentine’s Day is just ten days away (commence freakout), so little tokens of love are on my mind. While diamonds are a girl’s best friend, there’s something so charming and sweet — almost innocent — about these jewels by Ariel Gordon. A bunny necklace for your love bunny? A bear for your bear? Hearts for your heart? All delivered with a love letter and you’re sure to make your Valentine swoon.
And how great are these signet rings? So old school and darling. Of course, I’m partial to the love knot pieces (and was the very lucky recipient of the love knot ring above from Ariel Gordon a few months ago, which has since become a staple as it seldom leaves my pinky). Which would you most like to receive from your Valentine?
You can shop the collection here, if you’d like.
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I heart Ariel Gordon Jewelry!! We just interviewed Ariel, and are offering 30% off the entire collection online. xo