family weekend movie with olesya rulin

I’m always so inspired by the people in my life I’m lucky enough to call friends, I’m thinking of launching a Golightly Girl of the Week series where we can get to know them better. Is that something you might like? Shauna with her clothing line for the world’s largest retailer, Sydne with her new web series, Joy taking over the world — or at least almost every form of media, these ladies are a constant source of inspiration and motivation and I love learning from them. Well, I’d like to unofficially kick off the Golightly Girl of the Week series with my friend, actor Olesya Rulin, as her new movie Family Weekend premieres tonight!

Read more & watch the Family Weekend trailer…

olesya rulin of family weekend with kelly lee of kelly golightly

Olesya’s probably best known as the extremely adorable and hilarious piano player from High School Musical and her starring role in Apart. She’s not only beautiful inside and out (how cute is she here at our Holiday Soiree?), but is one of the funniest people I have ever met in a completely disarming and charming way.

olesya rulin in family weekend with kelly lee of kelly golightly

She reminds me of Audrey Hepburn in My Fair Lady with a dash of Lucille Ball thrown in for good measure. She’s the epitome of a Golightly Girl if I ever met one, so if you’re looking for something fun to do this weekend, check out Family Weekend in theaters or On Demand. I’m off to pop my popcorn!

You can follow Olesya here on Twitter and Instagram. And, we’ll have a fun spring DIY project for you soon, so stay tuned!

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