
Happy weekend, my dears! Where did the week go? We were up in San Francisco to celebrate Fred Baby’s mom’s birthday and to meet our new niece for the first time – doll baby. It will be so interesting to see how her personality develops. While our first niece Kaylee definitely has aspects of her personality that are similar to her parents, grandparents and, um, me (we call her my mini-me, which I’m sure my sister, who did all of the work, doesn’t mind at all), she is definitely her own cup o’ salsa. And she came out of the gate that way. It’s been pretty amazing to watch.

Anyway, I’ve been tagged by Sydne to share 5 Things You Don’t Know About Me, so here goes…

1. In college, I was a Radio-Television-Film major and wanted to write sitcoms or romantic comedies when I grew up. Growing up, I watched a lot of movies with my family and lots of TV with them too. Some of my best memories are laying on the floor watching Golden Girls and Dallas with my fam, and every weekend we would go to the movies. I love Nora Ephron, Tina Fey and Mindy Kaling and still might want to do that when I grow up. (There’s still time, right?)

2. I feel my best when I start the day with a chocolate croissant. Hearty egg breakfasts and protein shakes aren’t for everyone. (In fact, the one and only time I tried one of the trendy LA juice cleanses, I got violently ill after just one day and vowed to never do it again. I’m a delicate flower — which is a nice way of saying a total wimp!)

3. I’ve been lucky enough to meet three of my six idols: Martha Stewart, Giuliana Rancic and Kelly Wearstler. I regret never being able to meet Audrey Hepburn and Nora Ephron in person. Kelly Ripa is the sixth. (Am I the only one who feels like we’d be best friends?) And while we’re on the topic, I have an unhealthy Regis obsession too. Before I watched Regis or knew my profound love for him, we once passed him on the street in Greenwich, Connecticut. If only I had that day to do over again… Six idols aside, my true #1 icon is my mom. The woman has overcome more than you could ever imagine and is the funniest, sweetest, most giving person you’ll ever meet. Sometimes we’re the only ones who get each other’s jokes, but we consider that everyone else’s problem.

4. I was a total tomboy growing up and my dad treated me like the son he never had (don’t worry, most of the time I liked it!). I played football with him and his friends, played softball, volleyball, ran track (okay, confession: I was cheerleader too). So I think it baffled everyone — including myself — when my life and career took a  stylish turn towards fashion and design.

5. I may attend and host a lot of parties now, but when I was younger I was painfully shy. In kindergarten, I got all good marks on my report card (I was too scared to be anything but a  goody-goody), but the teacher wrote in the comments: “Needs to socialize more.” Apparently I’ve taken that to heart. But even today, I struggle with balancing my introverted side and needing lots of downtime with all of the fun events I’m lucky enough to be a part of.  (I have about a four-hour window. After being around people for four hours, I want to go home and veg out for about two days. The same holds true when I get exciting news. When I was booked for my segment on The Martha Stewart Show, I was happy, of course, but I literally laid paralyzed on the couch for an entire day.)

But enough about me…it’s your turn! What are 5 Things I Don’t Know About You? I’d love if you posted them in the comments! C’mon, it’ll be fun. Happy weekend xx!

[Photo by Kelly Golightly]


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