mrs. o; michelle obama in alexander mcqueen


The fashion blogosphere is abuzz over First Lady Michelle Obama’s stunning red silk Alexander McQueen gown worn to welcome China’s President Hu Jintao to the White House last night. She’s an absolute vision and it’s great to see a fashion-embracing choice in Washington.

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alexander mcqueen resort 2011


The gown appears to be an altered version of the above dress (left), which is from Alexander McQueen’s Resort 2011 collection, a collection which is full of stunning delights.


alexander mcqueen resort 2011


These would also make amazing choices for an elegant state dinner. Or ball. Or for vacuuming in one’s tiara, no?


alexander mcqueen resort 2011


Shorter, more “daytime” versions are a nice alternative as well…



As are some lighter pieces. What do you think of the collection and of Michelle Obama’s choice? What’s your favorite look from the collection?


[Top photo via TresSugar; All others courtesy of Alexander McQueen via]

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