Hey guys! A bunch of you who saw my Insta Stories last night and today asked me what book I was reading, so I wanted to share. And also invite you to join along in reading it, and actually trying to enact it with me. Who’s ready for a challenge?

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This book will change your life AND make you a morning person.

The book is called The Miracle Morning. My friend Jacey mentioned it recently and it piqued my interest because I am the complete OPPOSITE of a morning person.

In fact, if you’ve been following along on my Insta Stories, you likely know that I’ve been struggling to fall asleep by 5am.

Hashimoto’s has come with lots of lovely side effects, and one of those is insomnia. Now to be fair, I have never, ever, ever been a morning person. And since I work from home and don’t have kids or pets, there’s really not been a reason I couldn’t be a night owl if I wanted.

BUT lately, it’s been too extreme. Plus, sleep is a super important part of health, especially if you have Hashimoto’s or any autoimmune disease. I used to think, Well, what does it matter what time I go to sleep? I always get at least 8 hours of sleep.

But it turns out what time you go to sleep does matter. In fact, being asleep at 10pm is optimal. I’ve known this for about a year now, and while I’ve tried to get better about when I go to sleep, it’s only gotten worse.

SO: It’s time for a change.

Are you interested in changing with me, for the better?

You can pick up a copy of The Miracle Morning here.

It’s a quick, simple read. I just finished the book last night.

And like most things in life, you do much better with an accountability partner.

Will you be my accountability partner?

Girls at Lirbrary #kellygolightly #slimaarons #themiraclemorning

The Plan:

We’ll start on Monday, yes this Monday, August 7th. (Well, actually I will probably try to ease into it this week, so I can share any tidbits that may make it easier for you). But in earnest, we’ll start on Monday.

And then we’ll check in on the blog and/or social and see how we’re doing. Offer each other tips and motivation. See if we can stick it out together.

The actions themselves sound super easy. It’s simply all about starting new habits and sticking to them.

But the part the author shares about success is that it takes 30 days to form a new habit. (I know, most people say 21, but most people also fail.) He recommends breaking it up into 3 10-day intervals. The first 10 days, know they will suck (like quitting sugar). The next 10 days become easier because you start to adjust and not hate it or life. The final 10 days, you begin to master it and actually LIKE it. When you break it up like that, it seems much more doable.

I can do anything for 10 days. Can you?

Let’s see!

Oh, and we need a hashtag, so we can track each other’s progress. Any thoughts? Hmm… How about
#themiraclemorningafter? Because we’ll be sharing how it goes after we’ve been trying it? Or

Let me know in the comments if you’d like to join in + if you have a hashtag preference or suggestion!


p.s. My other major motivation is that my bad sleep habits definitely affect Fred Baby’s sleep and health. He has to be up every morning for his job and even though he is asleep within seconds of his head hitting the pillow, I know how disruptive it is to him every time I’m moving around and reading, etc. So here’s hoping it helps both of us!


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