
How are you, my dears? This New Year got off to a rocky start for us, as we’ve been under piles of Kleenex for most of it. But we’re finally feeling better and I am so over-the-moon happy about it. Last night, we even had dinner out. And at one of our favorite restaurants that just opened a new location a few blocks from our place, so we could walk there. I nearly cried I was so happy. It’s really the little things, isn’t it?

I’m happy it’s sunny outside, that I got to enjoy the splendor of pancakes in bed this morning, that my sweet Fred Baby is finally feeling healthy again and that our dear friends just welcomed the sweetest little bundle into this world. And I’m really excited about all the ladies lunches and happy hour dates I have lined up for next week. It’s so good to feel human again! And I hope the same for you. So, if your year has also gotten off to not the best start, remember, there is always sunshine around the corner, and if you’re really lucky, pancakes in bed, too.

Happy Wednesday, my darlings! And 2013, we’re coming for you!

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