how to make the best guacamole recipe ever


Cinco de Mayo is just a few days away, and you know what that means: Summer is right around the corner!  To celebrate, I thought it might be fun to launch a Summer Entertaining Series, where I’ll share my favorite recipes and party (and picnic!) planning ideas, tips and tricks with you – to help us all get the most out of the season of sun. Let’s kick things off with a recipe for the best guacamole, shall we?

The key to great guacamole is picking great, fresh ingredients. When there are only a few ingredients in a dish – and none of them ever see a flame – it’s important to get the best you can.  


best guacamole recipe


Here’s what you’ll need: (serves 2-4)

– 3 ripe Haas avocadoes (not too hard, not too soft; they should just start to be soft to the touch and have a little give when pressed, but not be mushy or bruised)

– 1/2 bunch of fresh cilantro

– 1 1/2 limes

– 1 jalapeno

– 1/2 small tomato

– 1-2 tsp coarse sea salt

Note: If, like me, raw onions and garlic make you feel horrible, good news: it turns out you don’t need them!


How to make the best guacamole:

1. Rinse ½ bunch of cilantro under cold water. Set aside in a colander to dry.

2. Slice jalapeno lengthwise. Remove the seeds — or leave a few in if you like things spicy. (The jalapeno itself just adds crunch and isn’t hot to eat – it’s the seeds that add the heat.) Chop into small pieces.

3. Dice ½ tomato into small chunks, removing the seeds (this is just for garnish).

4. Cut the avocados in half and remove the seeds. Slice avocadoes into long sections and then cut crosswise to create large squares. With a large spoon, scoop out the chunks of avocadoes into a bowl and then lightly mash with a fork.

*Tip: One of the keys to making the best guacamole is making chunky guacamole, so don’t over-mash.

5. Add in the diced jalapeno.

6. Tear off and add cilantro leaves. Though you can chop them into smaller pieces, I prefer to simply tear them with my hands. Easy, peesy!

7. Sprinkle with a pinch or two of coarse sea salt.

8. Slice one small lime in half and squeeze the juice over the guacamole mixture. Gently toss everything together with a fork, being careful not to over-mash.

9. Taste and adjust accordingly. Season with more salt or add in more lime juice if you want more of a kick (I use 1 1/2 small limes.)

10. Garnish with a few sprigs of cilantro and diced tomatoes.

11. Enjoy! I like guacamole best when served with blue corn tortilla chips.


Do you have any favorite summer recipes? Or, do you have any recipe or entertaining requests? Please do share in the comments xx!


Next up: The Best Grapefruit Margaritas!


[Photos by BussBuss; Gibson Overseas for Nambe Butterfly II Marble Swirl Serving Bowl c/o]



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