We love things. Obviously.
But at a certain point in the over-materialization that has become the holiday season, even we feel the need to take a step back and give back.
But where to start?
Charity Guide, that’s where.
The super handy website has lots of great info and features, such as Make a Difference…in 15 minutes (ex: send a get well soon card to a hospitalized child), a few hours (ex: volunteer to cuddle babies at hospitals — sign us up!) or on a volunteer vacation (ex: build a school in a developing nation).
Or, browse through charities by category such as animal welfare, children’s issues, poverty, etc. You can donate money, time, knowledge.
We love that the whole emphasis is on flexible volunteering or “volunteering on demand” as they’ve termed it because they recognize most people’s schedules are busy and unpredictable and that most of us tend to be a bit of commitment-phobes.
Let’s all take a step back this holiday season to reflect on all of our blessings and then maybe try to help someone who might not be as lucky.
Do good, feel good, at Charity Guide.

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