thanksgiving road trip

Happy Monday and Happy Thanksgiving Week! How was your weekend? You may have seen on Instagram (or your mailboxes) that my weekend came with some VERY major news

It’s not every day that a girl wakes up to being on the cover of a magazine. With her beloved Swannie. In a photo shot by her even more beloved hubby

My head is still exploding! I am SO grateful. I can’t wait to share more on that later this week but it’s funny how, to the body, receiving great news feels very similar to getting bad news. It’s like your body has all of this adrenaline and then it finally happens and you’re elated, but then you come down from the high and realize you are so pooped and need to sleep for three days. #firstworldproblems

glitter pills  | kelly golightly

But, it’s Thanksgiving week and we have some roadtripping to do! We’ll be heading up to San Francisco where we’ll get to play with our niece and nephew (both under the age of 2), so we better caffeinate and pop some glitter pills stat. Will you be traveling for Thanksgiving? Are you off to see family? Or will you be staying put and celebrating with friends?

Tomorrow, I’ll have a Fabulous Friendsgiving post for you (sneak peek here) so stay tuned…

Until then, be sure to follow along on our Thanksgiving roadtrip adventure on Instagram: @kellygolightly + @fredbaby13 

p.s. And in case you missed it, 25 Feast-Friendly Frocks for cute & comfy indulging.

Top photo via here / glitter pills via here / GLITTER jar available here!

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