Behind the Buss: Welcome, Won'...

For those who have been with kellygolightly for awhile, you likely already know that The Hubs and I have been homeless, or rather, “home-free,” since the end of summer. For those of you who are new (welcome – won’t you come in?), we packed our lives...

I Want to Go to There

Say you could take a year off and go anywhere in the world and do anything you wanted. Where would you go? What would you do? After five months of doing just that (very happily and gratefully, lucky, lucky, lucky), The Hubs and I have been a little stuck for ideas...

Style on the Road: 29 Palms Inn

I love environments I can’t quite process. Where it’s so quirky my brain can’t wrap its head around it all. That is the 29 Palms Inn. Just outside of Joshua Tree National Park, it makes the perfect home-base when you feel like exploring what has...
Road Trip: The Space Between

Road Trip: The Space Between

  Road Trip: The Space Between   The Road Not Taken is never more appropriate, tempting or interesting than when on a road trip. This is a lesson we’ve learned in full this time around. While most of us usually plan a trip around destinations...

Adventures in Marfa

Last summer, I fell in serious like when we stumbled upon Marfa, Texas on a road trip from San Francisco to San Antonio. With a population of about 2000, the surprises and contradictions were what made it so enticing: a Prada “shop” (re: art installation)...