Boston. There are no words to adequately express the range of emotions a once simple word now conjures up. Extreme sadness. Anger. Empathy. Sympathy. It’s like a huge collective heartache felt by our entire country. You can’t help but think back to 9/11. You’re at once grateful more lives weren’t taken. But, in the same breath, angry and so deeply saddened that any were.
It’s hard to write about because you want to give the victims and their families all of the attention the tragedy so rightly deserves. You want them to know — we want them to know — I want them to know that we are with you. We care. You’re in our thoughts and prayers. You’re not alone. And then on the other hand, you don’t want to feed into giving “the story” any more media attention because that’s exactly what the despicable people who did this would want.
So, where does that leave us? For most of us, just as we were before. But with the reminder to hug your loved ones a little bit closer. To pick up the phone and call that person you’ve been meaning to call for months now but can just never seem to find the right time. And to savor the simple moments that seem so ordinary, but in the end are exactly what make life worth living.
We are blessed to have great friends in town visiting with their sweet little baby angel. And yesterday we were so lucky to all sit around the dinner table together to share a meal, each other’s company and friendship, and make some more memories. It’s all we have in the end and it’s important to remember to take in — really breathe in — seemingly simple moments. A sweet laughing baby, the taste of a perfectly grilled piece of meat your friend went to the trouble of making for you, the questions of a delightfully precocious child that make you think back, “How did we become friends?”
Realizing the answer doesn’t matter and feeling so grateful that you are.
Sending extra hugs and gratitude for your friendship today and always. And infinite love to the people of Boston. When I think of Boston, I’ll continue to be grateful to the city for giving me one of the best memories of my life: getting engaged on Newbury Street as the snow fell. Immediately after, Fred Baby and I called our parents, got donuts (upon my insistence that that was “the only thing that could make this moment even better”), and then celebrated with a suite at the Westin Copley Place. Thank you for the love Boston. We are sending it right back at you.
[Photo by Kelly Golightly]
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Very very nicely put. Our best to those in Boston!
It was amazing spending such quality time with such incredible people in their incredible house. Thanks for making us feel at home during our extended stay. Now that Ruby’s gone, you may now sleep in beyond 6:30 AM 🙂
I found you via Oh Joy, Great blog! This post brought the tears back to my eyes again, As a mother now my perspective has changed on the world as a whole. I cry because I am sad for those who lost a mom, dad, brother, sister or son. I cry because I can’t fix the world we live in the be the perfect place I want it to be for my girls. I relish every moment with them making memories.
Btw, I love your apple art, I hope you will do more decor posts on your own home.