shows how to diy cute bow tie pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas.

Last week I shared fun and easy Oscars party ideas for your own stylish Oscars viewing parties, including top hat popcorn buckets, gold star-rimmed cocktails and star-shaped finger sandwiches. Today, I want to show you this super easy bow tie DIY that triples as decor, fun photo booth props and party favors for your guests (re: hair pins/brooches).

Behold, how to make bow tie pins! shows how to diy cute bow tie pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas.

Like all good things in life, this project idea came about from procrastination. I had a fabric swatch book laying around, as we’ve been trying to decide on drapes for about five months now. While we’re no closer to a decision, I thought Hey those little fabric swatches sure could make cute bow ties.

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I realize you may not have inadvertently stolen a fabric swatch book from your upholstery lady, but you can easily buy a yard of cotton canvas fabric (or any fabric of your choice for that matter — though this was on the stiffer side which made it ideal) and get to snipping.

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Cut a fabric into a square that’s about five inches long.

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bowties diy

Next, cut a thin strip of fabric that’s about 1/2 inch-1 inch wide (the length should be the same as the fabric square — about 5 inches).

bowtie diy

As you can see, your measurements and lines don’t need to be perfect. I’m a lazy DIYer, so use what you have and do what you can, and see if you can make a little magic happen without having to change out of your pajamas.

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Pinch together the middle of your fabric square into a bow tie.

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Next, pick up your thin strip of fabric… shows how to diy cute bowtiw pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas shows how to diy cute bowtiw pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas

And tie it around the middle of your square to create a bowtie. shows how to diy cute bow tie pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas.

Hey, looky there — it’s a bow tie! shows how to diy cute bowtiw pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas

Next, insert a bobby pin through the loop/knot in the back. shows how to diy cute bowtiw pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas

Simply slide it right through. shows how to diy cute bowtiw pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas

Voila! shows how to diy cute bow tie pins that double as party favors and decor, as well as hair pins/brooches; diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas.

A bow tie that can be used as a hair pin or brooch, and as cute party decor!

diy how to make bowties; how to make bowtie pins; how to make bowtie hair pins; easy oscar party decor; easy oscar party ideas

Tip: Print out a sign that reads “Take a Bow” so your guests know to take one home!

What do you think? Are you ready to DIY and host your own Oscars party

[Photos by FredBaby13; Thank you to Vanessa De Vargas for being a fabulous party guest and model — she’s wearing the bow tie hair pin above!]

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