Remember the Sex and the City episode where Carrie talks about her SSB, secret single behavior? When alone, Carrie enjoys eating jelly on crackers while standing up and reading Vogue? Which she finds quite hard to do when that darn sweetie pie Aidan is hanging around all the time.
Well, my secret (married) behavior is that I’m an in-the-closet Regis and Kelly addict (where’s Dr. Drew when I need him?). I can’t help it. I’m not exactly the key demographic, being child-free and all (not to mention I’m never up in time to see Live with Regis and Kelly live and have to TiVo it), but I love my daily dose of Regis and, yes, Kelly, too. There may or may not be a giant bowl of Cheerios involved with this SSB. Or Cookie Crisp, given the obsession of the moment. And perhaps even a little fantasy of being a talk show host myself (dream job!).
Whether you watch or not, I feel compelled to share one of the best after-the show parts of my SSB with you. It’s called Kelly’s Fashion Finder, your daily guide to Kelly’s style, and is basically a daily video blog where Kelly tells viewers what she’s wearing (on the show). It’s genius because it’s so simple. Why don’t all shows do this (I’m looking at you Mad Men and Gossip Girl)?
The quick one-minute recap of what Kelly Ripa is wearing is great if you actually want to get the look yourself or are just curious about who designed those fabulous shoes. I may or may not have watched hours of these videos, as well as Guest Fashion Finder, on a rainy day in Paris (Musee d’Orsay, who?).
But it was all in the spirit of “research,” as I knew I wanted to share Fashion Finder with you, dear readers (I think Dr. Drew would call that rationalizing). Whatevs.
The Guest Fashion Finder is really fun. You can spy quick interviews with fashion experts like Rachel Zoe, Tim Gunn, Whitney Port and Michael Kors, plus in’vus with fashionable guests like Reese Witherspoon, Heidi Klum, Kate Hudson and more.
I love it so much (d to the o-r-k, I know) that I’m even contemplating videoblogging what I wear each day (in case anyone’s interested — Mom?), but it was challenging enough doing Style on the Road. The pressure to look presentable was good for me, but also, as one might imagine, time consuming. If it’s something you might like to see, let me know on Twitter or Facebook.
More importantly, now that I’ve dished my SSB, it’s your turn. What’s your Secret Single Behavior? Tell me on Twitter or Facebook — I can’t wait to know!
Photo via HBO
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