The lovely folks over at Lucky magazine sent over a peek at their new May issue featuring the gorgeous Ali Larter.
Quite frankly, anyone with skin and hair that gorgeous would look fab in a bed sheet, but we’re really loving the cool Cali-chic vibe and the sophisticated neutral-hued frocks Larter shows off in this issue.
Plus, we totally agree with Ali’s fash philosophy: “I like my clothes to be able to take on my mood rather than tell me my mood,” says the 32-year-old actress.
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves. Being a slave to fashion is, like, so five minutes ago. In the famous words of Tim Gunn, make it work (for you!), people! Not the other way around.
Check out the latest issue of Lucky and if you’d like to win her cover look, worth more than $2000, simply click here to enter.
We’re too impatient to wait to see if we win, so shopped the look for less. Love it, too?
Get her:
* Top for Less here
* Pants for Less here
* Belt for Less here
* Vest for Less here
Total savings: $1871
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