How are you? Can you believe Christmas Eve is just a week away? I’m really looking forward to slowing down and enjoying some family time, from baking these cookies with my hilarious niece, Mom and sis to some serious movie-going time with my Dad, Hubs and bro-in-law (The Fighter looks so good!) And I plan to enjoy every last moment.
Helping me to do so (thanks to Joanna), I’ve just pledged to have a complaint-free week (which will hopefully turn into a month and then a year, ommm!). Like many, I tend to give in to the stress of the holiday season, with looming deadlines and time pressures, more commitments than usual, trying to wrap up work so we can enjoy our time off, and end up kvetching instead of focusing on all of the positives and things to be grateful for. And have you noticed how contagious negativity is? Your friend complains about something and then you do, probably in an effort to commiserate, but it’s a slippery slope.
A quick, instant way to change your entire perspective? Instead of thinking “I have to do…” think “I get to do…” It’s a small shift that makes a huge difference. For instance, instead of thinking like I usually do, “I have to get my Dad something for Christmas and have no idea what to get him,” I’m changing my perspective to “I’m so lucky to have a Dad and get to find him something fun for Christmas.”
Another tip for combating constant complainers in your life (that I’m pretty sure I picked up from Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth a few years ago – thanks Oprah!), is to gently respond to someone’s complaining with “Is that so?” You’re politely listening, but you’re not participating by complaining as well or indulging the person’s complaining and it neutralizes the effect of the negativity. Try it, it works! And if you’d like, take the challenge with me and Joanna and Chelsea (who started the pact – it’s contagious!).
The fabulous thing about positivity is that it’s just as contagious as negativity, so I’ll be trying to spread as much of it as I can. On that note, I wish you a marvelous weekend and leave you with Conan’s brilliant thoughts on cynicism. I LOVE this and I love you!
Still gift-hunting? Hopefully our Gift Guides will help!
Last-Minute Gift Guide: Deals & Deadlines
Dude: 14 Awesome Gifts for Guys
14 More Gifts for Your Fave Fella
10 Great Gifts for Guys That They Actually Want
5 Fab Beauty Stocking Stuffers
15 Awesome Gifts for Your Super Stylish BFF
12 Insanely Cute Holiday Hostess Gifts You’ll Wanna Keep for Yourself
18 Holiday Party Frocks That’ll Knock Off Their Socks
Gift Ideas Galore in Kelly’s Picks and My Wishpot Wishlist
p.s. I snapped the picture above on a walk around our neighborhood a few weeks ago. I’m claiming that staring at it has the same effect as one of those sun lamps (I have one by the way and they are truly helpful!). Hubs disagrees and while he may have science on his side, I have faith. Stare at this sunny picture and I dare you to tell me it doesn’t make you feel better xx.
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