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Blurg. My dears, lately I have been feeling blue. How about you? Are you up or down these days? When you’re down, how do you beat a case of the blues or the mean reds? I’d love to know.



Last night, we had a lovely rainy dinner at the darling French bistro Little Next Door and then watched Manhattan Murder Mystery on Netflix. Woody Allen films always cheer me up (and make me want to move back to New York). And this line definitely made me laugh: “There’s nothing wrong with you that a little Prozac and a polo mallet can’t cure.”  Isn’t that the best?


Wishing you blue skies — and not blue moods — this weekend. Here are this week’s highlights:

I have bag love for Annie Handbags.

We officially welcomed spring!

I fell for J.Crew’s new ballet flats.

I shared my 3-Way video with you.



[Photo made by Rare Audrey]

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