It’s Friday and I couldn’t be happier. Yesterday was exhausting. First I had to wake up at 10am. Ouch. Then, after some kellygolightly biz, I was invited to test out the COLURE True Color Care treatment at Cush Salon in Beverly Hills. I went in looking something like this:
Dreaming that I would come out with a shiny mane that would make Mr. Ed envious.
While having my head massaged, COLURE’s creator David Paris told me all about the product line’s highlights (er, pun not intended, but I’ll take it): gentle, environmentally-friendly, full of yummy-smelling organic (and high performance) ingredients like lavender and mandarin oranges. COLURE utilizes fancy schmancy nanotechnology (crushed quartz is a product – that’s a new one!) and has no parabens, sulfates, alcohol, petrolatum, sodium chloride, hydro-carbons, perfumes, dyes, irritants yucky stuff. Top celebrity hair stylists use COLURE before coloring a client’s hair (not to name drop – Mariah Carey, Ellen Page), protecting locks and making color last longer. You can then buy the exact same product(s) to use at home, which will keep your hair looking shiny and gorge (if you color your own hair at home, these products will help too).
I have virgin hair (not quite true – it’s had color before I confess, but hasn’t in ages, so I suppose it’s born-again hair), and I walked out of Cush (a refreshingly laid-back and friendly salon), Arnold Palmer in hand (they have a café – how brilliant is that?), feeling like this:
I then braved 0.9 miles (or, 30 minutes, for you LA math majors) of traffic to meet up with The Decorista at an Armani Casa party at the Pacific Design Center (you know, the one where they filmed Top Design). I didn’t spot Kelly Wearstler or Jonathan Adler anywhere (why do bad things always happen to me?), but over champagne and canapes, received some very nice compliments from fellow party goers, including being hit on by a gentlemen in front of his 80-year-old mother (another first!). If that’s not worth a visit to Cush or COLURE’s website, I don’t know what is.
Famished after watermelon and brie bites, I then shook my tail-feather on over to The Hungry Cat in Hollywood to have dindin with my hubby and his colleagues, a husband and wife super duo of architects (she’s a full-time professor, co-runs her and hubby’s business, conceives and designs well-publicized projects, guest blogs and, in her abundant free time, is a mother of a four-year-old daughter). I decided not to share my exhausting day of gratis beauty treatments and design party-going, in the hopes that I 1) would make a new friend and 2) wouldn’t get my chili-infused margarita poured over my head (wouldn’t wanna mess up the new hair!).
This morning I woke up well-rested, despite an alarming dream that our family had arrived a day earlier than expected for Thanksgiving and we hadn’t yet cleaned or bought any food — or gotten dressed. I know what I’ll (happily) be doing this weekend…
You too?
Lovely weekend wishes xx,
p.s. I hope to take actual photos of my hair this weekend, after vacuuming, natch.
p.p.s If you bought a frozen turkey like moi, don’t forget to put Sir Cluckers in the fridge this weekend, otherwise you’ll have a mayjuh T-day catastrophe!
[Photos: top; second; third; fourth, fifth & bottom]
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Love your blogpost.
Nice pictures!
I think the grey ‘Marie-Antoinette-like’ coiffure is amazing,
i’m very curious about you hairdo 😉