meeting jonathan adler jonathan alder office tour jonathan adler's studio new york

Wazzup bitches?! 

meeting jonathan adler; tour jonathan adler's office in new york; jonathan adelr's studio; meeting jonathan adler; jonathan adler manifesto

Is how Jonathan Adler greeted me and Salvador when we went to visit him at his studio in New York.


Jonathan Adler is my Madonna.

jonathan adler's new york office

There I said it.


So that pretty much made my life. Truly, my head was exploding the whole time.


We got to see where the magic happens and meet the amaze Team JA. Talk about a dream office. Now I know why he calls it the Fantasy Factory. And JA is exactly who you think he is. Even better in real life, which I didn’t think was possible.

Here’s a peek at my day with JA and his happy, chic office.

jonathan alder banana brass banana gold banana

Bananas. Right!?

jonathan adler's office

This is the view from his desk. I wouldn’t mind staring at that all day.


I wanted to stuff that foil rhino in my bag but Sal wouldn’t let me.

foil rhino art jonathan adler's office


jonathan adler manifesto

I loved his manifesto painted on the wall. It has me inspired to come up with my own Golightly Glamifesto.


It was a dream day. Highlights included seeing his pottery wheel — I only regret not forcing a Ghost moment upon him but I’m sure people ask that all the time (oh, they don’t?), having JA call me a loser and old (I love you too), and deadglamming (it’s like deadpanning but way more glamorous).

deadpanning with jonathan adler kelly lee kelly golightly stylist salvador camarena

Are you dying? Cuz I’m DEAD.

p.s. Our album drops spring 2015.

p.p.s. You can get your own banana here. And you know I will.

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