Peace Please: How To Help Las Vegas

I had another post scheduled for today, but after my #talesfromthetub talk on InstaStories last night, I crawled into bed with a book. After reading, I grabbed my phone to turn down the AC on the Nest and quickly clicked over to Facebook, where I saw the news about Las Vegas. My reaction was likely the same as yours…

Again?! How is this happening again?

In our country? Which is supposed to be the best country in the world.

I felt sick to my stomach.

I feel sick to my stomach. My heart aches.

I love America through and through. Every time we travel abroad, we are always more grateful for where we are lucky enough to call home.

But, as Einstein famously said: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Something needs to change.

Yes, there will always be bad people. But should we make it easy for bad people or mentally ill people to do bad things?

According to, Americans are 25 times more likely to be murdered with a gun than people in other developed countries.

We can do better.

We all know this.

How much longer are we going to let this go on, and how many more innocent lives will be lost before something changes?

You can read up on common sense gun laws here.

My friend Christine Hunt, who lives in Las Vegas, is sharing great tips on her Facebook page on how to help. She says that blood donations were what was needed most, but due to Americans doing what they do best – pulling together in times of need – most blood donations centers are turning people away because they have too many people. {That is heart warming.} She suggests making an appointment for a later date.

I’m reposting what she posted on Facebook here:

For anyone seeking assistance in this tragedy – here are some numbers: 

• Search for missing persons: 1-866-535-5654

• Metro: 1-800-492-6565

• Sunrise Hospital: 702-731-8000

• Red Cross Southern Nevada (donations): 702-369-3674

• United Blood Services

o 6930 W Charleston Blvd – 702-228-4483
o 601 Whitney Ranch Dr. (Henderson) – 702-434-1838

If you’re planning to donate blood to American Red Cross, you can complete the RapidPass online prior to going to save time.

You can also donate supplies like non perishable goods and donate to places like Ronald McDonald House. Every bit helps. However it is not always donating money that matters most…lend a hand, open your home, or just lend an ear. Many people just need someone to talk to right now.

Las Vegas Convention Center South Hall is a support center for friends and family of SURVIVORS. It will be open 24 hrs. If you know of someone in need of assistance please send them our way.
Go to South Hall 2.

Most places are inundated with physical donations. Please consider donating to the Steve Sisolak GoFundMe page for victims.


Hug your loved ones, try to be a bright light in the world, and know – that despite atrocities like these – the world is still more good than evil. Even if it might not seem like it right now.

Sending love, hugs and prayers to all of those devastated by this tragedy. My heart goes out to you Las Vegas.


My friend Grasie also just posted this on Facebook:

***Call your reps TODAY*** Congress is voting this week on rolling back regulations on Silencers…


People from the shooting last night in Las Vegas said they heard the gun shots and knew they had to get out of there. The sound of rounds firing off is what saved many lives. 

If Congress passes the SHARE ACT (as early as this week) — which will roll back restrictions on silencers — no one will hear gun shots over the music on the streets of Vegas or in the clubs of Orlando. More will die and, because their votes have been padded by NRA dollars, that’s alright with our local representatives.

IN CALIFORNIA: Call Republicans Ed Royce, Dana Rohrabacher, Mimi Walters, and Darrell Issa and tell them to vote NO on the Share Act.

EVERYWHERE ELSE: Call your Congress person in the House of Representatives directly or text SILENCER to 64433, which is Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America’s connection number. That number will connect anyone in the US to the right representative.


TEXT RESIST TO 50409 and choose “HOUSE” on the ensuing menu to send a fax to your local member of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES where the bill is set to be voted on and ask them to VOTE NO ON THE SHARE ACT. Even if your rep already opposes the bill ask them to come out publicly against it and do everything in their power to stop it.

Send POLICY as well your prayers. This is how we slowly make it better.


If you have any suggestions on the best way to help, please share in the comments.

Lots of love xo,


Beautiful illustration by Alessandra Olanow inspired by Joanna Goddard’s beautiful post

p.s. In times like these where it seems like the world is spinning out of control, before I can take action, I’ve found that I have to take care of myself and get centered first. This 13-minute kundalini yoga/meditation video might help you like it does me. A walk in nature might do the same. If you can’t sleep at night, try this ASMR video that I watch every night at bedtime.  It’s so easy to be pulled under by news like this, but remember if you can rise up, then you’ll be at your best to help others.

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