
Happy weekend and happy March (can you believe it’s March already?)! Did you have a nice week? While Fred Baby was in Barcelona for work this week, I gorged myself on sweets (okay, and a few salads too) and reveled in catching up with good girlfriends over al fresco lunches (and even spotted my darling Richard Simmons at Cecconi’s!). And I had a picnic in the park with this sweet face. Spring is definitely in the air in Southern California and I am so ready to spring forward. You too?

Here’s what we’re up to this weekend…

viceroy palm springs

I picked up Fred Baby from the airport last night and we headed straight to Palm Springs, where we’re meeting his parents for a fun weekend. Sometimes I think I should be hired for the California Tourism Board (or at least Beverly Hills and Palm Springs because I love them so much) but it’s going to be sunny and in the 80s, so I see some outdoor brunches, dips in the pool and bike rides in our future. (Don’t hate me because our weather’s beautiful…just move here instead!).

Have a great one and I’ll see you back here next week for an exciting announcement xx!

[Photos by Kelly Golightly of Palm Springs two weeks ago — yes, this is February.]

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