Daaahlings, just popping in to say hello from Rio! How have you been? I’ve missed you like crazy, but Fred Baby and I have been having so many adventures that it’s been hard to find the time to write. After exploring on foot all day long, our steamy evenings have been spent in coma-like states watching old episodes of Mad Men (tonight we get to see Season 5’s premiere — did you watch last night?!) enjoying the thriving nightlife of South America.

We had a swell time in Argentina and can’t wait to tell you all about it. We’ve now landed in Rio, where we are soaking up the sun and spending quality time with friends we haven’t seen in far too long. It feels so good to reconnect. Today, we’re off to explore beyond the glittering sun-soaked beaches to see what the rest of Rio has to hold. I’m off to find out…

Can’t wait to share what we find xx!


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