A Glamorous Gift Guide: From pineapple tumblers to gleaming bart carts, flask bangles to polka dot vases, delirioulsy delightful gift ideas for the glamour girl on your list. #giftguide #christmas

It’s beginning to look a lot like…Christmas? Since I missed the boat on Halloween (oops! how was yours?) and am opting out of Thanksgiving (food, she plagues me still), I’m focusing all my efforts on Christmas. Because, when I’m not feeling my best, somehow a little retail therapy really does help. And I hope to pass my hours of “research” onto you. So, on that note, behold…

pineapple tumblers  * telephone dial compact mirror * flask banglepolka dot vase * bar cart

The BEST Holiday Gift Guide EVER

champagne bottle iphone case * yay champagne glassstay fancy wine glass * polka dot shakerchampagne bottle clutch * stripe ornament clutch * occasions and contacts address book

The Glamour Golightly Girl’s Gift Guide! From pineapple tumblers to gleaming bar carts, flask bangles to polka dot vases, deliriously delightful gift ideas for the glamour girl on your list (um, it’s you, isn’t it? #guilty).

The Golightly Girl's Holiday Gift Guide: From zebra-print napkins to fancy champagne coupes, everything the glamour girl wants.

champagne coupes * all in good taste * banana leaf notecardszebra napkins * pink sunnies * jewelry box

Do you have a favorite? Tell me: What’s on your wishlist?

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