How are you, my loves? If Facebook is any indication, those of you in San Francisco are celebrating and those of you in New York are hunkering down for Hurricane Sandy (stay safe, my dears!). It seems things are a bit up and down for everyone, so I just wanted to ask: How are YOU doing? Or, as my friend’s toddler sweetly and briefly asks: Doin’?

Here’s what’s happening in our neck of the woods…

After Fred Baby made a fairly rapid recovery from his trip to the ER last week, I picked up where he left off. Luckily I wasn’t nearly as bad off as he was and stayed out of the hospital, but I’m just now enjoying my first real meal (unless Saltines count) since last Tuesday night. It’s been a lingering, slow-moving recovery. Every time I think I’m better, I’m quickly reminded otherwise, as proven by the world’s shortest trip to the grocery store and Lowe’s where both times my legs simply said I don’t think so, sista and my eyes went cross-eyed. Ah well.

We’re trying to make the most of it and look at the silver linings: We’re getting quality time in on our new mattress, playing lots of Jeopardy (I’m obsessed), drinking as much Powerade as humanly possible, giggling every time that ridiculous Brad Pitt for Chanel No. 5 commercial comes on and enjoying having lost a few pesky inches without having to hit the gym. It’s really the little things, isn’t it?

Here’s to silver linings and remembering to hold each other tight xx.

[Photos by FredBaby13 on our trip to San Miguel de Allende, Mexico]

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