Christmas in LA


My dears, Before we get too much further into the New Year, I wanted to share a few Christmas photos with you (so 2010, I know). Regrettably, the ones from Christmas day in Texas where we got to watch my darling four-year-young niece follow a long red ribbon out to her brand-new swing set didn’t turn out as hoped, so I’ll be sharing scenes from our first post-Christmas Christmas in LA instead.


Christmas in Los Angeles


Our tree was white with shiny pink and silver bulbs and twinkling white lights. I wore a shimmering sequin blazer and diamond earrings (a gift from my hubby on our wedding day…hmmm, we should get married more often!) to get into the post-holiday spirit. I was as tired as I look (December: 1; Kelly: 0).



Here I am snapping pictures (some day, I’ll be able to do the splits again — maybe I should put that on my Amazing Life List?).


Christmas in California


Hubs had a lovely time playing with his new iPad, which brought out his artistic side.



Though it was just the two of us, we were surrounded my family and friends…on our mantel. I just love getting holiday cards. You too?


Snow 90210; Snow on Rodeo; Snow in Beverly Hills


Speaking of, this was the picture we used for our New Year’s card this year, which we took at the Snow 90210 event. My parents teased us that we sent out headshots, which made me feel very LA. We thought it was fun that it was “snowing” in LA, but now I realize you probably can’t tell unless you were there — oops!


Christmas in LA


But back to our post-Christmas Christmas… My Mami-in-law gave me this beautiful jade necklace, which used to belong to her mother. Isn’t that so generous and special?


Christmas in LA; sweet owl from What Helen Wore Today


This little guy joined in the Christmas festivities too. He was a gift from my darling friend Helen of What Helen Wore Today fame. The Kate Spade coasters came from my sweet parents.



My sister- and brother-in-law gave us this incredible Taschen’s book called New York. It’s a history of New York City through amazing photographs and is such a treasure.



A few more of the many generous gifts given to us. We are so lucky to have so many thoughtful people in our lives (and yes, that’s an Audrey Hepburn calendar!).



I hope you and yours had a lovely holiday season!

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