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Seeing as it’s the most festive time of year, that means more reasons to sip bubbly on the reg, right? Right! I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been a little confused when it comes to picking the right champagne. Or is it Champagne? Exactly. Like I do with most wines, I just buy according to whether I like the look of the label (do you do that too?). So I’m excited that Evite and BevMo have put together this handy New Year’s Eve Champagne Guide, chockfull of recipes and sparkly DIYs.

champagne cocktails; champagne cocktail recipes; how to choose champagne; how to pick a bottle of champagne; champagne guide

Not only does it tell you how to pick the perfect bottle of bubbly, there are also lots of champagne cocktail recipes that look fun to try like this Chambord Sparkling Champagne Cocktail and this Whiskey Champagne Cocktail. Mmmm…I’m getting thirsty just thinking about it!

bourbon champage cocktails;

Plus, how fab is this glittering DIY for glamming up your champagne bottles? Some sparkle for your sparkling wine? Yes please!

glitter champage bottle diy; champagne cocktails; champagne cocktail recipes; how to choose champagne; how to pick a bottle of champagne; champagne guide

Check out the Champagne Guide on Evite here.

And raise a virtual glass and join in our bubbly twitter party on Thursday at 6pm PST. We’ll be using the hashtag #BevMoBubbly & you can even win AmEx gift cards. Woot! You can follow me on twitter @kellygolightly & follow @BevMo and @EviteGatherings. Cheers!


 This post is sponsored by Evite & BevMo. All opinions are my own.

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