Bicycle Chic; How to look chic on a bike; how to look cute on a bike;

Bicycle chic.


Have you seen this New York Times article Bicycle Chic Gains Speed? I’m always inspired by ladies who look cool and effortlessly chic on bikes (somehow my ratty gym clothes and helmet head just don’t stack up). I love the simple, casual look of rider Topaz Page-Green on her vintage bike. She’s just missing one thing… a helmet. Convinced they’re all heinous? I was too (but diligently wear mine anyway), until I saw this:


Chic bicycle helmets; cute bike helmet; cute biking helmets



A bike helmet fashioned as a riding cap by Yakkay (a company based in Copenhagen, natch). So clever, right? Just add riding boots and you’re ready for fall. I’ve just added one to my Christmas wishlist (yes, I’m already keeping one… are you really surprised?).

[Article and more chic bikers and gear here; Photo credit: Elizabeth Lippman for The New York Times; More insanely cute helmets at Yakkay]

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