Today’s the last day of early access for the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale, which means the sale opens up to all on Friday! For those who want to get a head start on adding things to your cart, I’ve rounded up more of my home decor + fashion favorites (see my first list of faves here). And it seems I’m feeling copper tones.
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I’m obsessed with that copper and marble lamp (on sale for $59, reg $90). And glassware always makes a great gift. Shopping for Christmas in July? It would be a first for me, but I’m sort of feeling like channeling Candy Spelling and having a gifting room. #goals
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Of course, I want that marble serving board and marble lazy susan for myself. #allthemarblethings Speaking of, who was this Susan and why was she so lazy? I feel like we’d get along well. But nothing would ever happen.
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Apparently my copper shopper-ing extends to fashion too. I’m pretty sure that cardi needs to come to my fashion party (it’s only $31!). True story: It was down to 101 degrees yesterday, so naturally I wore a sweatshirt all day. It literally feels like fall compared to the weather we’ve been having.
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It got me in the mood for fall fashion. And since we had a shockingly cold winter in Palm Springs this past year, I’m pretty sure that justifies my purchase of these classic Tory Burch boots. There’s no other time they’ll ever be $200 off, so the time is now, right? Right. Black or brown?
Have you been shopping the Nordstrom Sale? What have you scooped up? Planning to pick up some things? I’d love to hear what!
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