Recently, a friend told me that The Hubs and moiself remind her of Guiliana and Bill (in personality, not necessarily in looks, style, etc.). I’ve had a mayjuh girlcrush on Guiliana since her first days at E! (hope that doesn’t sound too creepy, but she was a refreshing dose of real and funny). Needless to say, I’ve been enjoying her reality show with her hubby, Guiliana & Bill (in case you aren’t TV obsessed like me, she’s the E! News anchor, he’s the first winner of The Apprentice). He’s the more level-headed, straitlaced, business guy; she’s hardworking, but a bit more playful, creative and fun-loving.

Do you and your significant other have a celebrity couple twin? Kelly and Mark? Diane and Josh? Rachel and Hayden? Sarah Jessica and Matthew? Keira and Rupert? Ellen and Portia? Angelina and Brad? Gwen and Gavin? Heidi and Seal? Will and Jada? I’d love to hear (and why)…

P.S. There’s a silly, fun What Iconic Couple Are You? quiz here so you can find out which storied Hollywood lovebirds you and your loveboat most resemble.

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