Planning a Lake Powell road trip? Interested in an end-of-summer getaway? See photos from our Lake Powell road trip! Plus, discover where to stay and how to rent a boat on Lake Powell!
The Post
Our Lake Powell Road Trip!
I shared a few photos from our Lake Powell road trip on the blog and on Instagram, but am excited to share more today! It’s one of the most unique places I’ve ever seen — like being on Mars or another planet. Here’s a peek at the orange sand beaches and striking slot canyons, plus where we stayed and where we rented a boat. Plus, tips on how we could have traveled even more safely during COVID.
Top 3 Reasons Why We Chose Lake Powell
There are three reasons why we chose to take a Lake Powell road trip for our end-of-summer road trip.
1. Weather
Every August, we try to escape Palm Springs for a little relief from the heat. Funnily enough, we almost always still end up in the desert. However, 100 degrees is always better than 120 degrees, and what can I say, we just LOVE the desert. Plus, being in the water sounded really nice, but we didn’t want to go anywhere crowded like most of the SoCal beaches.
2. Scenery
I’d bookmarked Lake Powell years ago when both Sarah Sherman Samuel posted about it, as well as Sarah Yates Mora of A House in the Hills. The images were so striking. But I’m not typically a lake person or a boat person, so we hadn’t yet taken the plunge (pun kind of intended).
3. Safety
But once I saw Marlien Rentmeester’s posts from Lake Powell on her blog Le Catch and her Instagram — who I would never have thought of as a lake person either — I thought: That might just be the perfect destination during COIVD. It’s not like we can jet off to the French Riviera or Capri right now (yes, I like to think of myself as THAT kind of person — haha).
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Our Lake Powell Road Trip!
Planning a Lake Powell road trip? See photos from our trip, plus discover where to stay and how to rent a boat on Lake Powell!
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